Friday, December 3, 2010

Sumang Child

Once upon time, there was a kingdom that was called Kutai Sadei (the kingdom of a village). It placed in a village of Taneak Jang. The king had twin children, they were Gading Snobot and Puteh Kuning. The king and his wife loved them so much. Everything they wanted, it would be fulfilled. In order that, their children grew up by taking easy.
Gading Snobot and Puteh Kuning were prohibited to play out the kingdom. They exactly played around the kingdom only. Their time was mostly spent to play together, to do something together, and even to take a bath together. Because of often spending time together, Gading Snobot and Puteh Kuning loved each other. In fact, they did that should not be done. They could not detain what they felt.
More time later, the king knew that Puteh Kuning was pregnant. The king was very angry at his daughter, Puteh Kuning. He made her to tell who had done it, but she did not want to tell who he was. Therefore, she would be moved to forest. Gading Snobot heard what his father said, finally he told to his father that he had done it to his sister. The king was very shocked about what he had heard.
“Right now you and your sister are not my children and the baby in your sister’s womb is sumang child. You would live hard and would not be happy.” The king said angrily while he left them alone across the Ketawen River.

Gading Snobot and Puteh Kuning lived in umai daet (a place across the Ketawen River that parted between kutai sadei and forest). They had to work hard for getting their needs. They also had to live alone without anyone’s helps.
Some years later Gading Snobot and Puteh Kuning had a boy and a daughter. Their children always played in the forest and played with the animals around their house. One day, the children played near the Ketawen River. Because of tiring, they sit down by the river’s edge.
“Hi, sumang child! You are excrement. Your daddy and your mom are very wrong. Don’t take a bath here and sit down here! Go far now!” The tadpoles said. They cried and directly went home. When they reached their house, they told what the tadpoles said to their mother.
“ Honey, don’t hear what they said! They’re just kidding. Then importantly don’t played near the river again, ok!” Their mother clarified. The children trusted to her.
On other day, the children played by the Ketawen River again. Then the tadpoles said like that again and again. Impactedly, they told what they heard to their father, and they lied that they were told by someone from kutai sadei. Their father was too shy. In order that she jumped to Ketawen River. Suddenly he became kersip (an animal that can be used for making lime), after that, the children retold what they saw to their mother. Afterwards, she also jumped from the window and became iben (betel).
Due to the happening, the children went to kutai sadei and told who they were and what the happening came. Because the king was died, so they lived in the kingdom to replace their grandparent’s position. Until now Rejangness believes that twin couple will love each other if they always meet without being parted.

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